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Love Under the Shelter of Tobacco Leaf


This UNIQUE HANDMADE HUMIDOR SILVER SET  is a true gem within the G.P.Grant collection, a one-of-a-kind creation by a singular author that will remain unparalleled. It stands as a genuine work of art, featuring a silver sculpture that captivates with its extraordinary beauty and grace.


Conceived, sketched, and executed entirely by the author—a gifted contemporary European painter and sculptor whose works grace numerous private collections and museums—this project reflects the artist's passion for fine tobacco and cigars, further fueled by the enthusiasm of the G.P.Grant Company.


The central theme of the composition gracing the humidor's lid is a symbolic fusion of male and female silhouettes, entwined in an embrace beneath the shelter of tobacco leaves. The sculpture's refined style and the ambiguity of the images invite viewers to contemplate the artist's intended message. These are unique moments, cherished memories, and a celebration of life. The exquisite craftsmanship transports us from the mundane concerns of everyday life, providing a space to relax and contemplate personal reflections amidst the smoke and aroma of an exceptional cigar.


Included in the set is a unique author's ashtray, meticulously handcrafted and silver-finished, seamlessly integrated into a wooden base.




15.000,00 €Prix

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