CIGARSThe Differences Between Short Filler, Long Filler, and Cuban Sandwich CigarsIn the world of cigars, there are many options, but three main types stand out: short filler cigars, Cuban Sandwich cigars, and long filler
CIGARSThe Magic of Cigar Production: The Art of Fermentation and Aging in Crafting Ultra-Premium CigarsThe fermentation and aging processes of ultra-premium tobacco make it truly unique.
CIGARSA Complete Guide To Cigar Shapes And SizesSmoking a cigar brings pleasure, but there's more to appreciate beyond the smoke. The size, shape, and shade of a cigar offer clues about it
CIGARSIntroducing G.P.Grant Ultra Premium Cigars: Crafted With Excellence By Master Blender Henrik KelnerAt G.P. Grant, we take immense pride in presenting our premium dominican cigars, meticulously crafted by the skilled hands of master blender